Michael Phelps Diet

Michael Phelps is a famous athlete in swimming; he has won 22 medals, 2 bronze, 2 silvers and 18 gold medals. His fit person but this is not only because his an athlete and because exercises, its also about his diet. Since Michael Phelps is an athlete he has a different diet compared to any other person. His diet contains food that mainly none of us would continuously eat a week because its not suitable for us.

Michael Phelps Diet for a day


2 cups of coffee, 3 fried- eggs sandwiches with cheese, tomatoes, fried onions and mayonnaise. 5 egg omelet and one bowl of grifts. 3 chocolate chip pancakes and lastly 3 slices of French-toast with powdered sugar in the middle.


One pound of enriched-pasta. 2 big ham and cheese sandwiches, with the ingredients that in include: Mayo on white bread energy drinks packing 1,00 calories.


1 entire pizza. 1 pound of pasta and more energy drinks.

Michael Phelps is an athlete this is one main reason why he eats like none of other normal human do. An athlete like this has to eat a lot because he loses this fats and calories in at least a week. So how does he do this? the process is done when he is doing his training, his training consists a lot of energy so if he eats more, it will help him maintain his body because he always burns it off when his at the gym and in the water.

My opinion

If I had the power to change Michael Phelps diet, I would not. This is because so far it has been working which makes him look health and he has a nice fit body with muscles.

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